Welcome to the website of Maître Paul NGELEKA

Presentation of the office
of, Maître Paul NGELEKA

Who am I ?
Graduated with a Master's degree in Business Law from the University of Grenoble, Maître Paul NGELEKA, is a lawyer at the Bars of Paris and Montreal.
He is Victims' Advisor to the International Criminal Court (ICC).
He has been a partner in SCM CABINET TAYLOR, Law Firm since 2001.
Maître Paul NGELEKA is a Member of the Association of Lawyers in Real Estate Transactions at the Paris Bar.
In addition, he joined the prestigious list of counsel admitted to plead before the International Criminal Court. (ICC).

Reasons to work with us

We help uphold the law and ensure that our Clients receive fair justice.
Fair Justice

We make sure the law applies to everyone, including you.

We know the law

We ensure the defense of your interests up to the last article of the law, the constitution and the European Convention on Human Rights.

Fair fees

Our Firm practices fair and reasonable fees.

Payment flexibility

We accept legal protection insurance, legal aid and payment by installment.

Customer Prevention

We can advise you on the situations to avoid and the pitfalls of the law and case law and the limitation periods applicable to your particular situation.

Legal support

Our firm supports you in the context of a mediation procedure.

Our areas of intervention

We are always happy to help you.

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